Wednesday, June 12, 2013


In book club last night we talked about "finding God's purpose for us." Not necessarily that we have to find what He wants us to do for the rest of our lives, but that we need to be aware of His goals for us in this moment. 
One quote that was said really stuck with me: "If all you are focusing on is yourself, you become blinded to God's plan for you to love those around you."


Lately, I've been stressing about my photography stuff. My camera hasn't been taking that great of photos, I don't think my work is as up to par as usual, everyone is booking other people instead of me despite them saying that they're loving my work... 

Focus, Jen. 

The whole point of my photography is not because I want to be famous. God wants me to use my skills to glorify him. Which is something I have NOT been doing. I've been so wrapped up in getting praise and stuff for my photography that I've forgotten the true purpose of my even having this skill -- to share God's love through my photos. May God help me keep my focus where it needs to be and not let me be blinded by my own self-centeredness. 


As I've been so stressed lately, I decided to return to wisdom that J shared with me many months ago: to write out my feelings. I know that I blog on here a lot and complain and such, but I'm starting back into journaling. No censors, no guilt about being selfish, no bothering the world... just me talking through my problems. So far it's helped me see some issues in my life and all that jazz. Maybe it'll help. If not, I'll at least be ranting to myself and not some poor person I'm texting. Or you who's reading this. 
May God use my journaling to help me fight through moments of depression, be more grateful for my blessings than my trials, and to worship Him with my whole being. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Roomie probz

My parents keep bugging me about getting a roommate. I've emailed everyone in the roommate search list at our old church's denomination, I've talked to people, made Facebook statuses, prayed about it! But then nothing has happened and my parents get all mad at me for not finding one... What else am I supposed to do??? Argh. 
And then I come back to visit the trailer and all my old roommate has done is move out her clothes and food. Like? She's not paying rent, why does he get to store all her stuff here for free?? That's not cool. At all. But my parents think is normal? So it's okay for her to keep the keys to the trailer, but not be living here? Ughhhh. God give me patience because I could word smack her real hard right now...