Tuesday, June 28, 2011

wrapped up

last week at church camp, my youth minister told me that my problems keep getting in my way. I need to just not focus on them and they’ll go away. The I am so absorbed in my problems that I am not letting God use my full potential to reach out to those around me.

part of me really agrees with him. I mean, it makes total sense. I am too wrapped up in my problems… but the other part of me wants to know how i can help others when my life is still such a big mess?


Monday, June 6, 2011


Galatians 1:3
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”


Yesterday during yet another sermon on the book of John (three years in… only on chapter 17. yeah. mm.), I read Galatians. Yes, the whole book, and it was amazing.

There’s just something about concentrating so hard to focus on reading the Bible and blocking out absolutely everything else. It was very encouraging.

But just as I was starting, a couple words popped out at me.
and Peace.
And being the geek that I am, I looked up the definitions of these words in the back of my Bible.

GRACE: an undeserved gift…

PEACE: freedom… from disturbance. from worry. from stress. from the world.

Grace, I’m thankful for. Peace, I yearn for…


my diagnosis is now “low to mild depression”. woot. :)
