I did fairly well with last year’s resolutions… The only ones i failed miserably at were the reading the Bible in a year and getting all A’s. (i made a b in history at calhoun this semester… BOO. oh well.)
Instead of making 12 resolutions for this coming year, i decided to make them fit with my word of the year… please help and keep me accountable for these. i’m excited about what this year has in store.
Accept grace… I’ve spent too much of my time fighting it and rebelling against it. God has always been offering it to me, I need to accept it. And live with grace. quit beating myself up, and realize that God loves me because of Jesus… not because of what I’ve done.
Love others. Quit being so wrapped up in my own problems that i can’t see the people around me. and in love, pray for them..
Initiate things. dont just say “things could be better if” actually DO something about it.
live vivaciously. enjoy every moment, and don’t just waste away each day. Don’t let a bad day make you believe you have a bad life. God gave you today, fill it with joy it.
be an example to the world. don’t necessarily preach the gospel to every person i meet, but by the way i live, show God.