Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I have gotten used to many many things here at Auburn... But I don't think I will see get used to hearing a teacher swear.
I mean, it's normal to hear my friends and peers say shit and fuck and stuff like that... But when teachers do it? It blows my mind.
I guess growing up in school where the teacher is practically preaching every other sentence, it's just not normal to me to hear them use such vulgar terms. I'll probably get used to it. just like I am used to hearing it in movies, books, friends... but still. It never fails to catch me off-guard.


1 comment:

  1. I get this. One of my teachers does this and it always comes across as unprofessional. I kind of understand that they want to be "hip" and connect with their students, but if you're a professor I assume you to be able to come up with an intelligent way of discussing something.
