"Jenna... Gosh... Have a heart!"
That cut deep.
I like to think that I'm a compassionate person, care for those around me, love everyone... But I guess deep down that's not true.
I'm focused on myself.
I care only about what's best for me.
Everyone else comes second to my desires and needs.
That really sounds awful to write, but I know it's true.
How do I change? How do I focus less on myself and more on others?
Reminds me of the song I used to sing at VBS every summer:
This is what it means!
Jesus first, yourself last, and others in between!”
I was listening to a sermon about overcoming depression and Pastor Cheis said something that really peirced me:
"When you are depressed, it is so easy to become wrapped up in your problems that you don't meet your full potential, you don't reach everyone you could reach, you don't bring glory to God!"
I need a renewed mindset.