Friday, August 29, 2014

To do list for this semester

I don't want this to be the worst semester of my life.

Last fall was the best four months of school in my life. I grew in my faith, I gained a best friend, and I was confident in myself and had such a passion for people. I want that back.

These past three weeks have started off terribly, but as I'm constantly reminded by the people in my life... "It's not always about where you start off, but where you choose to go from there."

So, this is my to do list for this semester. Things to keep me active and involved in life and not simply mulling into school and bemoaning the struggle of it all.

Here's to a fabulous second to last semester of senior year:

1. Get callouses on my fingers again from playing guitar so much
2. Do a "month of firsts" again (in October. At least that is my plan.)
3. Become brave and get a tattoo (really? you ask.. yeah, really.) 
4. Develop and stick to a routine of being both physically and spiritually in check
5. Get dinner or coffee with someone different every week – stay caught up on people’s lives
6. Become known as the girl who never complains and just goes with the flow

7. Pray first, listen second, and act last.

I know I'll think of a billion more, so i'll keep adding as I'm thinking.. but for now, those are my goals.


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