Sunday, January 27, 2013

I don't necessarily struggle with forgiving people, but more so with not getting upset at their every status and every comment made about them. It's horrible really. I'm actually happy when something goes badly for them. It's something I've recently been cursed with...And I hate that I can't stop it on my own.
God, move in me. Teach me to love again.

Friday, January 25, 2013


People will never be able to fully understand the accomplishment that every birthday of mine celebrates. It marks another year survived. Another year filled with God and friends and family and all the things worth living for... It's a really big deal.
So here's to 18. May I live well, love much, and be a little bit of fantasticalness to the little bit of the world I am a part of.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I have gotten used to many many things here at Auburn... But I don't think I will see get used to hearing a teacher swear.
I mean, it's normal to hear my friends and peers say shit and fuck and stuff like that... But when teachers do it? It blows my mind.
I guess growing up in school where the teacher is practically preaching every other sentence, it's just not normal to me to hear them use such vulgar terms. I'll probably get used to it. just like I am used to hearing it in movies, books, friends... but still. It never fails to catch me off-guard.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Word of the year

Usually people are all like "I thought long and hard about my word of the year" or "I prayed for hours concerning my word of the year" and these things are all good and well but my word came suddenly to me this year.
I hadn't really thought I was going to have a word, per se, for this year. But I was sitting in church on Sunday and this word slammed in my head.
That's what I struggle with. Controlling my emotions, controlling my self-discipline, control in my dancing, and most of all, surrendering my control to God.
So I don't necessarily have a list of goals or resolutions for this year, but just a simple word.
Next year at this time, I want to be able to say I've gotten my life under control and have given up the control. It'll be a challenge, but it'll be definitely worth it.
