Sunday, December 7, 2014

Rest in peace, dear one

I was scrolling through Facebook, wasting time as usual and trying to avoid studying when I stumbled across a mother's post on a friend of mine's wall. It was so guilt-ridden with obviously so much pain behind the words. Surprised, I kept reading and discovered that my friend had killed himself a few weeks earlier.
I may not have seen him or talked to him in years, and we may have never been extremely close, but it still breaks my heart.
Cause that could have been me.
I know exactly the pain he was feeling that led him to take his own life. I just hate that no one was there to stop him, to point him to freedom and healing.
I kept reading the posts his friends and family had written all over his wall about how much he was loved and showed love.
"Rest in Peace."
I don't know what I believe about whether people go to heaven or hell if they kill themselves. But I do know that this young man is so loved by God and everyone else.
To those of you out there who are struggling with depression and wanting to end it all -- don't.
You are loved. You are cared about. And your life matters.